Sunday, June 12, 2011

Six Types of Guys

I had posted the Six Types of Girls yesterday so feel free to check it out. Now I am going to write about the six types of guys you'll meet in college.

1) Sweet Guys
The sweet guy will come to class to pick up his girl. He will dash to your classroom right after the class is dismiss. This can be both a pro and a con. The pro is that he is very sweet, passionate, and caring about the relationship you guys just established. The con is that it might get annoying very quickly. It seems like there are no surprises in the first stage of the relationship.

2) Frat Guys
Frat guys represent all the negative stereotypes.   He is the huge drinker that constantly keeps hitting on girls. The pro of this kind of guy is that he is fun and parties a lot. The con is that he usually isn't too smart and switches girls everyday.
3) Geek Guys
The Greek guys are the nerdy guys. You guys should know some nerdy guys at school because they are going to Harvard or Stanford. They are very smart but they play games all day long. The pro is that he is smart but the con is that he is hard to talk to (too focus on games and homework). 
4) Social Outcasts
He is the loner. He sits alone during parties. However, you shouldn't automatically assume that he is an unfriendly person just because he is alone. Don't judge by first appearances. This party group might not be his group so that's why he is alone. But other party group might be his. The pro of this kind of guys is that he is easy to talk to (since he is alone) and the con is that you might be treated as a loner because you are with him. 
5) Douche Guys
Drunk and disorderly, the Douche is usually spotted with his hand on some girl’s ass, brawling in the street, shouting obscenities at everyone who walks in, or simply breaking everything in sight. Usually not the best person to send a Facebook invite when you are hosting an event. The pro of this kind of guy is that he is party beast but the con is all you can think of. 
6) "Friend-Zone" Guys
These are the guys the girls love to hang around but only seen them as strictly “friends”.  Why are these guys always in the friend zone, well that depends on the girl they are dealing with, she might not see him as anything she could be physically attracted to, but loves his personality and company. The pro of this kind of guys is that he can be there when you need him but the con is that he is struck in the middle of regular friend and boyfriend. 

1 comment:

  1. Way to buy into every stereotype ever. Lame.
