Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Unspoken Rules of College

After 18 years of living in your parents’ house, moving into your college dorm room can be a terrifying transition. Suddenly your room isn’t just yours anymore and you no longer know who used the shower before you (or what they did in there). And sometimes you don’t even have to be in college to live in a dorm. When I went to OLAB and YWI we stayed in dorms, (OLAB being the worst since it is an all boys dorm; gross) and it’s important to get adjusted quickly.
By adhering to these, you can hopefully avoid unnecessary arguments, hold onto your belongings and skip over some of the uglier moments of freshman year.
Rule #1: Don’t keep your door shut all the time. You shouldn’t be in your dorm room all that much, we only went there to sleep and change, but when you are up there, no one will want to introduce him or herself to the person who’s always locked in her room, and sooner or later you could find the building to be pretty lonely, no matter how many neighbors you have. Leave the door propped open so that people passing by can say hello and you can actually meet who you’re living with. 
Rule #2: Don’t be the roommate who barges into the room without knocking. I’ve been known to not follow this rule a couple times, but you don’t know what you could be walking in on! Regardless, your roommate deserves a courtesy knock (and so do you), and she won’t take kindly to you constantly bursting in on her privacy.
Rule #3: If the shampoo isn’t in yourshower caddy, do nottouch it. The same rule applies to conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, and especiallyrazors and loofahs. Go to the local CVS or even the campus store, and buy your own toiletries. And if you’re really in a bind, just ask—there’s sure to be some girl with a heart of gold who will let you borrow her conditioner—but nicely, and don’t make a habit of it.

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