Friday, September 9, 2011

Tomi Tomson (

Interview with Tomi Tomson 

I love my school, but I almost went to: Grand Valley State University.
My best physical feature is: My smile. My sister had to help me with it when I was little because I used to make really weird faces in cheerleading competitions.
If I had to watch one movie on loop forever, it would be: Any old Disney movie with a soundtrack or anyFamily GuyDVD.
If you looked at the "most played" songs on my iPod, you'd see a lot of: Hardcore rock.
My worst habit is: Procrastinating. And caring way too much about little things, like when people don't close cupboards -- it drives me nuts!
The most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me during a game is: During my freshman year at the Michigan vs. Michigan State game, I ate a lot of McDonald's chicken nuggets for breakfast. I was running late, so I had to run around to find my team. I started feeling sick, and by the second quarter I was throwing up on the sidelines.
My gameday superstitions are: I don't ever eat McDonald's chicken nuggets before the game.
I'd love to trade places for a day with:Princess Jasmine. She's smart, gorgeous, lives in a sweet palace, has a genie, a flying carpet and she's in love. What more could a girl ask for?
The talent I'd most like to have that I don't possess is: A great singing voice.
These three things top my bucket list: Become a surgeon. Have a wonderful family. Travel all over the world with that wonderful family.
I'd want my last meal to be: Something made by my boyfriend,Ryan. And it would have to be some type of dessert eaten right before bed, because I'd want to die in my sleep.
Three things I'd take to a desert island are: My family, a genie (so I could wish for things once I got there -- like a hotel), and an airplane so we could all go home.
My favorite sport and professional sports teams are: Gymnastics and cheerleading are my favorite sports to watch and do. My favorite professional team is The Detroit Tigers.
My one guilty pleasure is: Anything having to do with chocolate or ice cream.
My celebrity crush is:Jared LetoandAdam Lazzara.
Five people I'd like to have dinner with (living or dead) are: Jesus, Katie K so she can meet Jesus, my sister's biological father and baby who both passed away, and my sister so she can meet them.
My friends would be surprised to know that I: Absolutely loved country music when I was younger... and I knew how to line dance.
The next risk I want to take is: Scuba diving in the ocean with my dad or skydiving.
The reality show I'd do best on is:WipeoutorNinja Warrior. I probably wouldn't make it far but it would be a blast!
The worst date I've ever been on was: The homecoming dance my sophomore year of high school. Dinner was a horribly awkward mix of people who were all older than me. And my boyfriend actually left early from the dance... without me.

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