Saturday, June 11, 2011

6 Gadgets for College Students

1) iPod
Sure, college students lived without MP3 players back in the day, but in 2011, it’s practically required to have an iPod parked in your back pocket. Whether listening to tunes, watching movies during your commute or catching up on a prof’s podcast, there’s nothing as small, convenient and well-priced as an iPod.

2) Smartphone
BlackBerrys, iPhones and Androids -- oh, my! While smartphones undoubtedly come in handy for apps, social media and Internet browsing, their most useful offering is constant access to email. With professors sending out assignment reminders, last-minute class cancellations and bonus readings, email at your fingertips is absolutely necessary. 
* I personally would recommend Motorola Droid 2 or Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc. 

3) Laptop
Sure, a desktop might work but laptop is the way to go. You are constantly moving in college so getting a laptop might be wise. If you want stylish appearance, you can get Sony Vaio. If you want the name, you can get Apple MacBook or MacBook Pro. If you want everyday use, then get IBM or HP laptops. 

4) Digital Camera
Digital Camera can capture all the good memories you have with your friends. But with today's technology, our smartphone is basically a miniature digital camera. 

5) USB Thumb Drive
USB thumb drive is a portable device to carry all your homework and documents. You should update your USB often to store the most important files you need. If you laptop breaks down, you will still have the file on hand.

6) Portable Speakers
Porrtable speakers are vital for entertaining any crowd, all the more reason to invest in these lightweight, easy-to-transport devices. While laptops are unreliable for legitimate sound quality and iPods will only keep the beat for an audience of one, portable speakers are the key ingredient in making your next pregame party a huge success.

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